Alberta Shares is a provincial program that offers consumers a simple way to support their local food bank while shopping. Modelled after a program initiated in British Columbia, Alberta Shares has been operating in this province since 2002. Since that time more than $600,000 has been raised province-wide to help local food banks purchase high-quality, nutritious food.
How does Alberta Shares work?
Donation cards are posted in a holder at all checkout counters in participating stores. Consumers have the option to make a $2 donation to their local food bank by having the barcode on the card scanned when they pay their bill. The $2 donation is added to their purchase.
Each participating store can easily track the total donations through the bar code number in their system. On a regular basis (quarterly or semi-annually) the donated funds are given to the local food bank as cash or in a gift card to purchase perishable or high demand food in the store.
Food Banks Alberta prints and distributes the cards, their holders, and any supporting materials to its members at no cost and replenishes supplies as needed.
Interested in becoming a part of this program? Contact Alison at