Help End Hunger in Alberta

Albertans shouldn’t have to choose between paying bills or putting food on the table. Your support ensures that they don’t have to.

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Pounds of Food Distributed in 2022

Money has no “best before” date.

Your financial gift will help feed individuals, families, and seniors in need across the province.

No one plans to need the food bank. But we’re here for people when they need us. No one deserves to go hungry.


Your gifts go further with FBA.

Simply put – your gift has a bigger impact. Through bulk purchasing and partnerships, we ensure that our members have the food they need, when they need it.

The priciest items? Perishables like fresh fruit, meat, vegetables and dairy.

Food Bank Use

Support Food Security with Securities

Your gift of securities or mutual funds is an efficient and tax-savvy way to give to support our work. By making a gift of stock that has appreciated for more than 1 year, you avoid the capital gains tax rate for long-term holdings.

Food Bank Use 1

Become a Monthly Donor

By donating monthly, your gift provides ongoing and essential food and resources to hundreds of food banks across Alberta.

Monthly gifts continue to give.

Take Action

How You Can Make a Difference

Donate funds.

Donate food.

Donate time.

Donate your efforts.